Agency Contact Information 

Aiken Area

St Vincent DePaul: 803-642-3211

ACTS: 803-642-5919

Community Action: 803-648-6836

Our Lady of the Valley: 803-593-2623 


Edgefield Area

GLEAMNS Edgefield – 803-637-6161 

GLEAMNS Saluda – 864-321-2850 

GLEAMNS McCormick – 864-852-2662 

Salvation Army – 864-229-3407


North Area

Aiken-Barnwell-Comm. Action: 803-794-6778 (Lexington County)

Orangeburg-Calhoun-Allendale-Bamberg Agency(OCAB):803-536-1027 (Orangeburg & Calhoun County)

Corpus Christi Assistance Ministry:803-359-6927 (Lexington County)

LICS:803-957-6656 (Lexington County)