Operation Round UP

What is Operation Round Up?

As a Touchstone Energy® partner, Aiken Electric Cooperative provides members with the opportunity to participate in Operation Round Up. The voluntary program helps provide financial assistance to worthwhile causes and the community at-large. Members who participate in having their electric bill rounded up to the nearest dollar are donating that “spare change” (an average of $6 per year per participant) to benefit others. Funds are used to pay for such needs as elderly assistance, educational efforts for the disadvantaged, and food, shelter, clothing, healthcare and other services for those who need it the most. Since 2000, Aiken Electric Cooperative’s membership has donated more than one million dollars to help others.

How do I sign up?

Sign up directly from the member portal or talk to a member service representative at 803-649-6245

  • Login your account on the member portal.
  • Select Services
  • Select your account and submit.
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